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A Growing Mental Health Concern

In the 21st century, technology has become ubiquitous in our daily lives; almost every facet of our lives has been touched in some way by technology. Increasingly, we find ourselves attached to our screens and the online world, both in good ways and in bad. Unfortunately, with consistent and prolonged use of online services, it is possible to become overly obsessed with and addicted to the internet.

Online addiction is an increasingly studied phenomenon in the field of mental health, as it can have serious implications on a person’s psychological functioning and ability to function in day-to-day life. Individuals may compulsively use the internet for various activities like social media, gaming, e-commerce, online shopping, streaming movies, web surfing, chatting, etc. The danger of online addiction is that individuals may eventually forget how to engage in tasks off the computer and may even compromise their real-life relationships.

Online addiction can lead to a number of physical and psychological symptoms. Physically, individuals suffering from online addiction may experience changes in their sleeping and eating patterns, stiff muscles due to long hours of online activity, headaches, backaches, and exhaustion. Mentally, online addiction can lead to depression, anxiety, memory and concentration issues, restlessness, blurring of personal and professional boundaries, and frustration.

The causes of online addiction can be multifaceted and include an individual’s genetic makeup, psychological issues such as extreme levels of stress or loneliness, or psychological issues related to social media and gaming. Additionally, the increasing availability and affordability of mobile devices, increases the likelihood of developing an online addiction.

Despite the ubiquity of online addiction in the modern era, there are several tactics which can be employed to reduce the amount of time spent online. For instance, creating a set schedule for using online services, limiting access to the computer, limiting amount of time one can spend online, unplugging after certain hours, seeking online or in-person counseling, and blocking certain websites and apps. It is also important to keep one’s family and friends informed of the struggles one is facing with online addiction, and to seek outside resources or support in order to increase the chances of recovery.

Ultimately, online addiction is a serious issue, and if left untreated it can have serious consequences, including physical health problems, psychological issues, and social difficulties. It is important for individuals to be aware of this issue and equip themselves with the knowledge to effectively tackle their online addiction, with or without professional help. With proper guidance and treatment, individuals can regain their lives and engage in meaningful activities which can promote their physical and mental health.

Online obsession, how much is too much?

Online obsession is a problem that has become increasingly common as the internet has become increasingly ubiquitous. People of all ages spend substantial amounts of time connected to various digital outlets, to the point where it can cause a variety of professional, personal, and physical issues. Finding the balance between productive, constructive uses of the internet and overly obsessive tendencies is essential for maintaining a healthy relationship with online life.

In general, it can be difficult to estimate exactly how much is too much for any particular individual, as the answer varies from one person to the next. However, when it comes to online obsession, it is often considered to be problematic when the person’s online activities start to actively interfere with their ability to complete their regular responsibilities, or when they become so attached to the digital world that they actively neglect the world around them.

Signs that someone may be obsessed with the internet can vary, but they’ll often include spending an significant amount of time on digital outlets, such as social media platforms or gaming websites, neglecting important physical activities, such as sleeping, eating, and exercising, and declining to engage in social activities that don’t involve the internet. If these activities were to become chronic and consistently interfere with ordinary life, then it can be a sign that someone’s online obsession is becoming a major problem.

The causes of online obsession can be numerous, but in many cases, they tend to come down to a lack of self-control, an absence of meaningful physical activities, or a need for distraction from deeper issues. If activities online are used to fill a void that couldn’t be filled in other ways, it can lead to people spending excessive amounts of time on the internet.

In order to combat an issue with online obsession, it can be helpful to focus on improving self-control, finding activities that require physical engagement, and finding hobbies that can offer a meaningful outlet for creativity or physical engagement. Taking time out from all digital activities to give yourself the opportunity to read a book, engage in a short hike, or play an instrument can be effective outlets for expressing and improving upon your creative urges.

It’s also important to be aware of the amount of time that someone is spending online and set limits for yourself based on the goals and activities that you want to focus on in other areas of your life. Failing to derive some sort of value from the time that’s spent online can be a sign that it’s getting out of hand, and it may be necessary to remove some of the temptations to remain attached to a digital world.

Frankly, online obsession isn’t necessarily problematic in and of itself. It’s only when it starts to impede on the ability to engage in healthy activities in the world around us that it can become a genuine issue. Finding the balance between productive and mindful engagement with digital outlets is essential, and there are some great tools and methods available to help regulate usage, and to get the most out of online activities without allowing them to become overly obsessive.

What You Need to Know

In the past two decades, the internet has become a major part of life for many people around the world. Increasingly, people are spending more and more time online, often at the expense of physical activities and in-person interactions. The rise of digital tech has created a new social matrix that seems to be impacting humanity on a near-daily basis. However, when this use becomes compulsive, the effects become even more pronounced, leading some people to become obsessed with the internet.

The term “online obsession” describes a situation in which an individual’s use of the internet encroaches on their real life, to the point where it becomes a central focus in their day-to-day activities. These people are so caught up in the virtual world that they may forget about their responsibilities in the real one.

One of the most common signs of online obsession is spending a great deal of time online. If a person is spending an excessive amount of time on the internet, this could be a sign that they have become obsessed. They might be spending several hours each day, or a few hours every day, on their online activity.

Online obsessions can lead to significant self-neglect, as many individuals with an online obsession forget to take care of their basic needs such as food and hygiene. This can lead to tension and stress as one’s health is compromised.

Another sign of an online obsession is an obsession with particular content, such as certain websites and social media outlets, or with games. An individual with an online obsession may feel like they can’t get through their day without checking their favorite sites and apps. They may also experience a rush when participating in their favorite activities, which can become addictive.

One of the most serious aspects of online obsession is the potential for cyberbullying or other harmful activities. Individuals who become overly obsessed with the internet can quickly become a part of a toxic online community, leading to negative behaviors that can have lasting consequences.

It’s important to recognize the signs of online obsession and take steps to address it. Couple or family therapy can be beneficial for the individual, as well as helping them learn to manage their time online. If a person is engaging in addictive online activities, such as gaming, it may be helpful to limit their access or involvement. For some people, a digital detox may be helpful, in which they abstain from digital technology for some period of time.

Ultimately, it’s important to remember that an online obsession can have serious implications for one’s well-being and relationships. Taking care to monitor one’s online habits is an important part of maintaining one’s health, as an online obsession can quickly become problematic.

The Negative Effects of Internet Addiction


Over the years, internet addiction has grown to become a source of concern. The term “Internet Addiction Disorder” has become a source of debate among leading psychiatrists in America due to the technicality of the condition.

Internet Addiction is also known as “compulsive computer use” or “pathological internet use”, it is classified as an obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Some negative effects of this disorder are what we will explore in this article.

Negative Effects of Internet Addiction

  • Physical Effects

The compulsive use of the internet can have very harmful effects on the body due to the continual exposure of the body to unhealthy conditions.

Some physical effect internet addiction has on the body include eye problems due to exposure of the eyes to lights from the screen. Other effects include body aches from sitting or maintaining a particular posture. People who have this disorder sometimes suffer insomnia due to sleep deprivation.  

  • Emotional Effects

Compulsive computer use also affects emotional health. People who are addicted to the internet suffer from things like anxiety and depression.

Internet addiction manifests through online sex addiction, online gambling addiction, compulsive shopping habits, and compulsive online dating. They often suffer frequent mood swings, anxiety, and depression. These things are detrimental to the emotional state of the individual affected. 

  • Social Effects

People who are compulsive users of the internet are very likely to be sociopathic. They tend to have poor people skills because they are in social isolation.

People addicted to internet usage can suffer from low self-esteem due to frequent exposure to standards they can’t meet.

They also develop bad habits like cyberbullying when they are frequently on the internet. People also suffer from cyberbullying which can cause emotional trauma when they’re internet addicts.


To solve the problem of internet addiction, habit changes have to be made. Such changes include setting internet usage restrictions on your device or turning off your phone at intervals. In more extreme cases, therapy will suffice.

Positive Side of Digital Communication


First, what is digital communication?

Digital communication refers to communicating via online media. It is the use of online tools such as websites, chat apps, social media, etc. by businesses to connect with customers, employees, prospective customers, and the public.

In recent times, corporate organizations have made intentional efforts to connect better with people via the internet as they encourage digital communication among the employees.

What are some positives of digital communication?

Positives of Digital Communication

  • It has Made Communication Faster 

Through the use of the internet, people can communicate faster. In workplaces, reports and memos are transmitted through emails. For companies with branches and subsidiaries in different geographical locations, communication is seamless and occurs in seconds.

Companies are also able to respond to their clients in short periods. They can pass across messages to the public in a matter of seconds via the internet.

  • Remote Work is now Feasible 

During the COVID-19 pandemic that ravaged the world in 2020, some businesses had to shut down while others had their staff work from home. Having staff work from home became a more practical solution for many big corporations.

Through resources like Slack, Zoom, Google Meet, etc. virtual communication is possible. Companies can hire the best talents from across the world without worrying about visas or travel restrictions. Employees can also work from their comfort zones and have more flexible schedules.

  • More Relatable Brand Persona

This is in the context of the company’s relationship with its customers. The presence of many popular brands on social media allows them to prop up a relatable brand character and in turn, brings more customers.

With the proper use of digital communication in relating with customers/prospective customers, the business can sell a character that is real and bring in more customers.

It was harder to do in the past when the only medium of communication was via newspapers and television.

The Risk of Stimulants

Every drug carries its own set of risks, but while a number of people look at the name of one substance, in particular, they fail to look at the group as a whole. In turn, one specific group that drugs may fall under is stimulants which are defined as “a substance that raises levels of physiological or nervous activity in the body.” These are also known as “uppers” because they cause the individual’s functions to move at a faster rate than what they should be going.

However, some doctors may prescribe stimulants as a form of treatment for a variety of different disorders such as; attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), narcolepsy, and others. The reasoning behind this is because such stimulants “increase alertness, attention, and energy,” in turn counteracting the behaviors within the person. Some examples of these prescribed stimulants are Adderall, Ritalin, Vyvanse, etc. Consequently, while some may find relief from the symptoms – and/or disorder – that they are struggling with, others may find themselves addicted when using said stimulants recreationally. 

In fact, stimulants can have a great impact on the body and can cause a plethora of problems all their own if one is not careful. If one is caution he/she will take them in the right dosage – and only if prescribed – because the body can be very sensitive to them. “Many users experience a loss of appetite, increased heart rate, elevated blood pressure, and body temperature, interrupted sleep patterns, panic, hallucinations, and irritability.” If this occurs within a small window of time, just imagine how much more deadly and dangerous stimulants can be for those who choose to use them over an extended period. 

In conclusion, that’s why it’s important that one gets the help he/she needs before his/her addiction gets too far out of hand. It is only then that a cap can be put over it – to contain it – before it reaches its later stages. Unfortunately, anything can happen, especially if the addict makes the mistake of overusing – and/or overdosing – on the substance. In doing so, he/she allows the stimulant to take his/her body over in its full entirety. One example of this is through his/her heart rate. If he/she continues to take the substance in excess, he/she has the possibility of increasing his/her heart rate to the point of injuring himself/herself, or facing something far more fatal, an untimely death.

Consequences & Disadvantages Of Digital Technology

Many individuals find themselves consumed by digital technology-no matter the form, and/or outlet of their choice. Yet even as a wide range of technology poses as beneficial, it can be just as dangerous if one is not careful with the way in which he/she uses it, and how much he/she subjects himself/herself to. Oftentimes, many will use the internet to their advantage whether it be for educational purposes, to access important news-both worldly and local-and/or to engage in work related communication/research. Consequently, disadvantages pose a threat all the same coming in the form of carelessness and anonymity.

For, many use the internet selfishly, with little care as to how their actions may affect others. The prime reason for such revolves around the simple fact that the internet allows individuals the ability to create several accounts. As a result, some will register and create multiple fake accounts and act recklessly because there is little possibility for their real identity to be disclosed. In turn, many find it a whole lot easier to speak openly to and about others-no matter whether it be genuine or insulting-when they are behind an anonymous account.

However, anonymity isn’t possible through just the internet, but through other forms of digital technology as well, such as television. This can be seen through the MTV show titled, Catfish which “follows the journey of couples who have formed an online relationship but have never met in person”. It is through such that we see the extent to which people will go in order to keep themselves anonymous if they don’t feel comfortable revealing their true selves. But, in some episodes, the ones who do aren’t all who they’re cracked up to be. Some are in fact the exact opposite not only physically, but in that of their personality, as their motives are the complete opposite of what they had said they were. In turn, this shows the severe consequence-and degree-to which people will go to remain anonymous, and not face the consequence of their own actions.

In conclusion, anonymity can pose as a mask for those who intend to do harm to others-whether it be through verbally attacking them, and other such things. Or it can be a way out for those who are just shy, and/or who struggle with social anxiety, as it allows them to be able to interact/engage with others within the comfort of their own home. However, no matter the motive or situation such circumstances can be unhealthy for one’s mental health, as well as physical health, if they continue to hide behind a facade, rather than being true to themselves. For, nobody can be you, better than you can be you. Therefore, embrace it, in real life, as well as behind the screen.

Obsession With Digital Communication

digital communication obsessionWhen someone is obsessed with digital communication, they are constantly on a digital communication device sending, awaiting and receiving some kind of communication. This may be public communication, such as articles, blogs, press releases or social media sites, or personal communication, such as any form of private message. This phenomenon developed over recent years with the emergence of personal communication devices. Decades ago, everyone was adjusted to the fact that communication was not instant, but in modern times, it is very common to see a person behaving in a manic or addicted way toward their communication device, putting too much importance on the communication that comes through it.

There have been many studies into why people cannot seem to put down their phones, tablets, computers and other communications devices. Some of the more widely circulated and credible ideas about our modern digital communication obsession are:

  • “Staying connected.” Most people attribute their needy behavior toward their communication device to not wanting to fall out of sync with the world by missing out on breaking news stories, current events, social network gossip or personal communication.
  • “Fear of being alone.” A possible cause for an obsession with digital communication is not being able to be alone with one’s thoughts. In the past, this was primarily expressed through in person or phone communication, but modern digital communication devices can give the same feeling of communication despite being more removed.
  • “Demanding entertainment.” Modern generations are raised with fast commercials, invasive advertising, short sentences in reading assignments and general media bombardment. It is no wonder that boredom can set in more rapidly than it used to, turning people obsessively toward their personal communication devices.
  • “Fragmented and broken social abilities.” A very commonly cited psych opinion of digital communication obsession is that the value on in person communication and relationship abilities is dwindling and being replaced with the more secondhand version of communication and relationships that is digital communication.

Is Internet Addiction Real?

addicted to the internetPerhaps the most difficult aspect of internet addiction is that many people do not believe in its existence. The internet is a relatively new phenomenon in our lives. We have not had many years to study it from a psychological or sociological perspective. We are unsure of its long term ramifications toward society and humanity at large. However, one thing we have identified about it is that it has addictive qualities. Similar to a gambling addiction, an internet addiction is a behavior that gives immense pleasure to some people, so much so that certain people begin to use the internet compulsively and lose control of the amount of time they spend on it.

Sometimes the phrase “anything can be an addiction” is thrown around lightly. While a great number of things can have appeal to a great number of people, not everything is addictive. The internet came to be defined as addictive through a certain set of qualifications. The internet was found to have a particular effect on people that rivaled the effect of gambling or sex. Because the internet revolutionized the not only the way we access information, but the way we maintain relationships and keep ourselves entertained, it does not quite compare to anything else that has ever been available. Its novelty has become a cultural obsession, and for many people, an individual addiction.

For some people, time on the internet creates the pleasure chemical dopamine within their brains. Dopamine is universally the brain chemical that is released when we are experiencing something rewarding and pleasurable. Substances and activities that tend to create more dopamine for people than others tend to be the ones we identify as addictive. Not everyone can produce dopamine at the same rate. Some people have to work much harder to achieve dopamine. The healthy way of achieving it is to do something extraordinary, like start a business and work to make it succeed or climb a 14,000 foot mountain. The unhealthy way of achieving it is through addiction. Sadly, the internet with all its uses and wonders, has become an addiction modality.

Receive Treatment for Internet Addiction

internet addiction treatmentInternet addiction is identified as a case of a person using the internet so heavily that it negatively effects the other areas of their life. Because internet use is a recent phenomenon and because it is a behavior instead of a substance, internet addiction is frequently not taken seriously. This kind of reasoning is a fallacy. It is indeed a very serious situation when a person is foregoing social time, personal responsibilities, sleep and meals in order to spend time online.

The internet is a source of much information, fascination and controversy. It has changed the way we approach knowledge and information, and how we view the world. It has been very empowering for humanity to suddenly have an infinite amount of information at its fingertips. It is because of this abrupt and advantageous shift that the internet has become addictive to certain types of people. With so much information and so many opportunities to explore online, some people’s lives have become imbalanced because of the time they spend on the internet. School and work obligations are being neglected. Personal relationships are suffering. Physical health is declining. Not everyone has a handle on how much time they can allow themselves on the internet before it begins to negatively effect their lives.

Though internet addiction does not pose a serious, immediate threat to the addict, it does pose the risk of a gradual decline into an unhealthy state of existence. If internet addiction is allowed to thrive within a person, it will not be long before their reputation, relationships and health are damaged. Internet addiction requires critical thinking and cognitive analysis to overcome. If time on the internet is having negative effects on your life, take steps in order to end the addiction. Set a schedule for yourself to outline how much internet time you will allow yourself in a day. Read self help books on addiction. Fill your schedule with meaningful and necessary activities. If these things do not work and your life is still suffering, do not be ashamed to seek addiction treatment or counseling. Do whatever it takes to get your life under control!